Tips and Tricks from a College Intern

Interning with The Zoldak Agency this summer, then returning in the fall as a Fellow, is one of my proudest accomplishments. I was nervous on my first day – with it being my first internship and all. But I quickly learned my daily tasks and became close friends with my fellow interns. At the end of August, I completed my summer internship and returned shortly after to rejoin the team as a Fellow for the fall semester. Here are five tips and tricks to have a successful internship.

  1. Ask Questions!

    There is no such thing as a stupid question. Sometimes clarification on one item can change the outcome of your assignment. For example, going into my internship, I was worried that I would not know what to do for some projects. I would send an email, my supervisor would clarify, and then I could hit all the marks to correctly complete the assignment. You need all the necessary information and context to create the best outcome, even if it asks how to write a memo.

  2. Take Notes

    The moment I started my internship, I created a Google Doc called “Office Notes,” filled with important information, instructions, or any useful notes to support clients and my agency. I have instructions on scheduling social media posts, important topics to monitor and scout out for clients, and general information to have on hand. It saves me daily when I need to go back for a refresher!

  3. Speak Up!

    Do not be afraid to reach out to co-workers to see how you can improve your skills for your future—volunteer to do research, write blog posts, and take something off a co-worker's plate. You are a part of a team and lending a helping hand is essential. It does not go unnoticed and will help you develop your skills. Do not be afraid to speak up and offer your opinion – the right team will not only allow it, but welcome it! I was scared to speak up and add my opinion in the beginning, but now I say what I think will help the team and sometimes throw in a joke to make sure everyone smiles and gets a laugh. You never know the impact your opinion or jokes can make!

  4. Stay organized!

    I keep a notebook to compile a list of items with assignments, due dates, and any quick notes to keep track of everything day-to-day. All my to-do’s are listed in a checklist – there’s a weird satisfaction to checking and marking items off, knowing you’re hitting all your goals. Clarify your deadlines and flag immediately if the deadline is not possible. Some companies use platforms like Monday, which I love, but I also like having a place to write everything I need to do down on paper.

  5. Prioritize Yourself!

    Your work is essential, but so are you. If you feel sick, do not try to overwork yourself to prove anything. Instead, flag your boss and take a beat. Interns have a rep of being grunts, and while you may have a lot of tedious work, it is not worth silently crashing and burning to get it done. Take a nap, hydrate, and eat some food so you can kick a** the next day!

Nina Carter: The Zoldak Agency Intern, Summer ‘22 and Fall ‘22